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Certified Farmers Markets - All Year Round, Rain or Shine!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Meet the Winners of the Salsa Contest at the Carmichael Park Farmers Markets

On Sunday, September 18, 2011 over 1,000 tastings were offered to patrons who visit the BeMoneySmartUSA Farmers Market at the Carmichael Park.  They all had the pleasure, yet difficult task of voting for their "Market Favorite Salsa".  Participants included both commercial/business entities and amateur/individual entrants.  Awards were given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in both categories.  Lines formed to taste fourteen different salsas!  Salsas entered included sweet salsas made with mangos, onions, and cilantro.  Others were more traditional with a combination of red tomatoes, onions, garlic, cilantro and spices.  There were mild and hot salsas that included some of the season's best jalapenos too!  There was something for everyone.  But, there was no doubt who had the best salsa and voted the Market Favorite(s).